2009 National Cohousing Conference; Growing Community

2009 National Cohousing Conference; Growing Community

Seattle Conference

June 24-28, 2009
University of Washington - Seattle, Washington


Growing Community! This is the theme for the 1st Annual Conference of the Cohousing Association of the United States. While we've hosted conferences in the past, we have graduated to an annual conference to accommodate the increased interest in the growing cohousing movement.

This conference is THE venue for those who already live in cohousing, who are currently seeking a community, and professionals serving cohousing communities to learn new ways to "grow community." National Cohousing Conferences are also the ideal place for newcomers to learn about cohousing - whether you are exploring the idea of living in community or a public official trying to understand how to encourage community oriented development. Besides, the people who attend Coho/US Conferences love them!

Come to the 2009 National Conference and see the power of community for yourself. With more than 50 program offerings - featured speakers, workshops, seminars, and tours-there's something for everyone!

In 2009, our Conference starts with the International Cohousing Summit, an invitation-only event of Cohousing Thought Leaders from around the world, followed by an expanded offering of Pre-conference Workshops and Tours, and then the Main Event, the 2009 National Cohousing Conference. All three are based at the beautiful University of Washington campus, where attendees can choose and register for a greater variety of options than ever before.


Mandy Creighton said...

Yes! Within Reach Movie (http://www.withinreachmovie.com) will also be presenting about their 12,000 mile bicycle tour to visit and document sustainable communities around the USA.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for helping folks learn about the 2009 National Cohousing Conference. We hope that more and more folks will learn about how community is the secret ingredient for deep sustainable living.