Straw Bale Building Workshop (finishing) May 17-18

 Straw Bale Building Workshop (finishing) 

By Louisville-Green-Guide 
On May 17th, 2008 the last stage of Jefferson Counties first straw 
bale building will take place.  this is the opportunity for anyone 
interested in learning about, or just taking a look to see stage one 
of what will be a community oriented building process in action. The 
actual building workshop is complete, and the building has been 
erected, but we will be adding the final layer of Earth Plastering on 
Saturday the 17th, and having the christening party on Sunday the 
18th, as well as watching a local artist paint the Mural inside the 
Party Hours are from 10am - 5pm both days. 

We request anyone attending RSVP to

is located in one of the sister neighborhoods of the Sustainable Clifton project. Participants are encouraged to visit the event.

Please take a look at the event and program details at the links below if you are interested in participating in the Sustainability Studies Certification or participating in related community learning initiatives through affiliate projects such as Sustainable Clifton, Sustainable Louisville, Sustainable Business Network, Gaia Ecovillage Design Education and the Adena Center for Sustainability, Communications and Transformational Change.

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